Healthy Living Mechanisms
Providing education through football at a young age allows students to gain important communication and teamwork skills. Football can also provide students with the pathway for leading a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, Football Frenzy promotes a friendly environment where students are taught how to make the right decisions on and off the field regarding:
Healthy eating (food and nutrition)
Physical activity and its benefits
Mental health and well-being
Team Work
These six areas will form Football Frenzy’s ‘Healthy Living Mechanisms’. Football frenzy will adapt the healthy living mechanisms to different football scenarios, which can be further adapted to real life situations that may occur on the school yard or at home.
​To ensure students are progressively learning throughout the term, football frenzy will provide:
Interactive Coaching
Coaches will encourage students to ask questions regarding the specific skills and healthy living mechanisms. Coaches will also ask students individually how they are progressing week by week.
Learning work sheets
Coaches will provide the students at the start of the term with an outline of the activities and skills to be developed. Students will also be provided with a worksheet to be completed every 3 weeks which focuses on the specific skills and mechanism during those 3 weeks.
At home activities
Students will be challenged to practice a certain skill (e.g. juggling) and come back the following week demonstrating the skill.
Start and end of term Seminar
At the start of the term coaches will speak to the students and teachers about the program, providing information on what will be taught during the term. Football Frenzy's accredited personal trainer will also be attending the seminars to discuss nutrition and physical activity with students and teachers. During the end of term seminar, fun and interactive games will take place where students will have to work as a team to solve both football and healthy living mechanism questions.
Consistent Feedback
Throughout the term coaches will look to give positive feedback where they see necessary and will look to encourage all students. At the end of each session, feedback will become a two-way street where students can also express areas they feel strong in and areas where they want to improve.